These are some suggestions of items that will fit with your coming journey, but you are welcome to explore the rest of the website as well.
In Kairos, self-improvement and community are paramount. Join a society where art, literature, and devotion thrive, where heroes are immortalised as Kolossi, and where every day is a celebration of life and unity. Embrace the rich, inclusive and exhilarating experience that awaits you in Kairos.
Fairly Brave Adventurer's Belt
This is not a Hero belt. Hero belts are for those loons who rush in before checking the situation out properly. The reason Hero belts are so wide is t...
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Heroine Belt II
A four inch wide hero belt designed to take account of the female form with a slight curve in it so it doen't pinch you hips. It features the integral...
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Eagle Headband
The leather headband is made of three sections riveted together, while the Eagle is held in place with two screwback mountings. The headband is held i...
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Imperium Swing Visor Helmet
Taking inspiration from the Greek Corinthian helmet this heavy weight leather helmet has a pivoting faceplate, which can be clipped up out of the way ...
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Noble Leather Headband
Look your noble best with this decorated headband be it for a shaman, a barbarian warlord or a priestess. A leather headband with a stone in a brassed...
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Wavy Leather Headband
Heroic leather headband, suitable for keeping the hair (if you have any) out of your eyes or just looking dashing.The headband is made of three sectio...
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