These are some suggestions of items that will fit with your coming journey, but you are welcome to explore the rest of the website as well.
Embrace the gothic allure and vibrant life of Morvalis, where death is but a continuation of service, and life is a celebration of passion and connection. In Morvalis the Houses of Dusk wield powerful necromantic magic, rule with an iron grip while delegating governance to loyal Vassal Families. Necromancers and magicians hold significant sway by controlling legions of undead labourers. This unique system allows Morvalis to indulge in their passions and live life to the fullest, knowing their bodies will continue to serve the community after death..
1 Inch Belt
Simple 1" heavy leather belt with solid brass buckle. You can even use it in everyday life to hold up your trousers. Belt max length is measured from ...
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Packed Lunch Pouch
A voluminous poch which we think could you fit your packed lunch. Made from soft 2mm thick leather it measures an impressive 10" tall, 8" wide and 2.5...
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Skull Vambraces
A pair of lined leather vambraces with a hand dyed sable upper which has been embossed with a skull, picked out in silver wax, on a suede(1.6mm thick)...
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