These are some suggestions of items that will fit with your coming journey, but you are welcome to explore the rest of the website as well.
Valdraeth is a land not of soft stories, but of epic tales where heroes fall and mysteries lurk in the shadows. Here, the people are daring, self-sufficient, ambitious, and cooperative. They see what needs to be done and pursue their goals with unwavering focus, knowing that life is fragile and fleeting. Once success is achieved, they revel and celebrate with equal intensity. In Valdraeth, every name is hard earned, every story treasured, and every promise as good as its word. Here, beauty is found not in physical appearance, but in how a person wears their scars and experiences.
Leather Bascinet
This is a heavy weight leather helmet(8oz or 3.2mm) with a pivoting visor which can be clipped up out of the way by means of poppers. The visor featur...
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NoT GoT Belt
Heavy leather belt, one and a half inches wide with ring connection, dome rivet decoration and extra length in front of the buckle holes for the swagg...
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Bollock Pouch
No we're not making the name up. Traditional shape pouch in soft leather. Internal pouch dimensions 7" by 5", 18 by 13 cm. The two built in loops will...
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Dagged Hood
Plain edges are so last Century, be at the forefront of fashion with dagged edges. Buckle fastening, lightweight leather hood with dome rivet decorati...
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