Throwing Knives

Throwing Knives

Now you can stand out of sword reach and still kill them. Also useful for distracting the mage during his flaming inferno spell. All of the sheathes come with knives but it's always worth buying those extra couple to hide discreetly.
Built to comply with all major systems LARP Throwing Weapon requirements.

Bone Knife Single Sheath

Bone larp throwing knife in a belt sheath. The Bone larp throwing knife is an injection moulded coreless dagger. It weighs 31g and is 9"(22cm) long. I...
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A throwing knife that looks like it is made of bone

Bone Larp Throwing Knife

The Bone larp throwing knife is a bone effect injection moulded coreless dagger. It weighs 31g and is 9"(22cm) long. It can be thrown or used as a hol...
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A throwing knife with a curved edge inside a fitted scabbard. There is an unsheathed knife and an empty scabbard next to it

Claw Single

Single Claw larp throwing knife in a belt sheath with a securing popper. The Claw larp throwing knife is an injection moulded coreless dagger. It weig...
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Twin scabbard for throwing knives with a curved blade

Claw Twin

Add menace and swagger to your character with the easy addition of throwing knives. Even if you haven't got the skill to use them, the bad guys don't ...
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Elven Larp Throwing Knife

Don't bismirch your hands in close combat, deal elegant death from a distance. The Elven larp throwing knife is an, injection moulded coreless dagger....
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Elven Single

Elven larp throwing knife in a belt sheath. The Elven larp throwing knife is an injection moulded coreless dagger. It weighs 32g and is 10"(25cm) long...
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Hook Larp Throwing Knife

In case they didn't know you were a nasty piece of work, this knife should convince them. The Hook larp throwing knife is a vicious looking, injection...
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Horse Head Single

Horse Head larp throwing knife in a belt sheath. The Horse Head larp throwing knife is an injection moulded coreless dagger. It weighs 32g and is 10"(...
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A larp throwing knife designed to look like a traditional hunting knife

Hunter Larp Throwing Knife

If you go down to the woods today, go armed. The Hunter larp throwing knife is a good looking, injection moulded coreless dagger. It weighs 31g and is...
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A hunters knife in a full scabbard

Hunter Single

Hunter larp throwing knife in a belt sheath. The Hunter larp throwing knife is an injection moulded coreless dagger. It weighs 31g and is 9"(22cm) lon...
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Throwing Knife Bandolier

When you want to be obvious, a 6 rack of throwing knives set on a chest strap. The knives are in partial sheathes with a popper restraining strap to s...
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