Add To Your WishlistBlackguard Helmet

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  • Description

    “He cut them down. All of us. Laughing while he did it. He was huge, like an oak and he wore this dark helmet that showed only his eyes…”

    The Blackguard is a strong, solid leather helmet designed to withstand the rigors of battle while still being comfortable - a serious piece of kit that will get you noticed.
    And with a moveable visor, you can take on the oh-so-important mid battle water, as there is nothing worse than a dehydrated Dark Lord.

    Stay anonymous with the visage concealing faceplate- or pull it up to let your enemies gaze upon their doom!

    Perfect for Big Evil Bad Guys, sinister guards and brutal orcs.

    Don't forget these are made to fit so send us your head circumference when ordering.

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